The Science

of Stem Cells

Learn about our process and why it works

We see a future where stem cells are the immediate treatment recommendation for...

At Personalized Stem Cells, we envision a future where every individual has access to personalized healthcare solutions that enhance longevity and improve quality of life. We aim to be at the forefront of regenerative medicine, transforming personal health challenges into opportunities for renewal and recovery through the innovative use of stem cell therapies.

Those treatments are closer than you may think!

 Registered adult stem cell therapy clinical trials
World Health Organization’s International Clinical Trials Registry 2022
 papers written on the effects of fat with cell therapy treatments

One medicine

VetStem has the largest source of cell samples with over 60 species including exotics animals! These include:
- Northern White Rhino
- Lowland Gorilla
- California Condor
- And many more

Bridging Human and Veterinary Medicine

At Personalized Stem Cells, we embrace the One Medicine, One Health concept, a visionary approach that seeks to deepen the connections between human and veterinary medicine. This concept is rooted in the understanding that the health of humans and animals is interconnected, and advances in one field can directly benefit the other.

Our Partnership with VetStem

Our sister company, VetStem, has been a pioneer in applying regenerative medicine to veterinary science. VetStem's groundbreaking work in using adipose-derived stem cells to treat animals has not only improved the lives of thousands of pets but also provided invaluable insights into how these successful treatments can be adapted for human medicine. This collaboration is fundamental to our approach, providing a robust foundation for safety and efficacy that supports our innovations in treating human conditions.

Enhanced Research Opportunities

By sharing findings and methodologies between human and successfully practiced animal treatments, we can accelerate the pace of medical innovation and discovery.

Improved Treatment Strategies

The insights gained from veterinary applications help us optimize protocols and treatment strategies in human medicine, ensuring that our therapies are both safe and effective.

StemCells 101

Understanding Stem Cells

Stem cells have the unique ability to self-renew and differentiate into a diverse variety of cell types, such as osteoblasts, adipocytes, chondrocytes, myocytes, and neurons. The regenerative cells processed by Personalized Stem Cells are derived from the patient’s own adipose tissue (autologous) and are biologically similar to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from bone marrow.

When compared with bone marrow-derived stem cells (BM-MSCs), adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) have been found to be available in greater numbers and are less impaired by aging. At early passages, BM-MSCs and ASCs have similar proliferation rates, longevity, and differentiation potential in several in-vitro published studies. However, clinically, adipose-derived MSCs appear to be an ideal alternative to bone-marrow-derived cells due to their ease of harvesting and superior anti-arthritic properties.

Several meta-analyses of placebo-controlled randomized clinical trials have evaluated the safety and efficacy of ASC injections into the joint for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis and have consistently reported superior clinical improvements in pain and function with ASCs therapy when compared with BM-MSCs.

Key Mechanisms of Action for Adipose-Derived Stem Cells:


Cells migrate in response to inflammatory and ischemic signaling to injured tissue sites


Cells respond to local signals and differentiate into tissues required for healing

Growth Factor Support

Cells secrete a variety of cytokines, growth factors, exosomes, and microvesicles that promote tissue regeneration


Cells down-regulate the inflammatory cascade


Cells modify the immune system to decrease inflammation and promote tissue regeneration


Cells secrete growth factors known to promote new blood vessel formation


Cells reduce cell death in injured tissues


Cells minimize the production of scar tissue

Pain Reduction

Cells decrease nociceptor activity, which helps reduce pain

Starting with joint arthritis

Our next clinical trial: confronting the unmet clinical need

More than 33 million Americans suffer from knee arthritis. There are more than 1 million joint replacements each year. Current therapies only offer symptom relief, prior to surgery.

Why you should care

People with knee and hip arthritis have a 50% higher mortality rate than those without

Learn more about PSC

Fill out the form below to receive detailed information about our stem cell banking services. This is a great option if you're gathering information and aren't ready to commit to a consultation just yet. We’ll provide the facts you need without cluttering your inbox.

Begin your journey to personalized medicine


Common Questions

When and how can I use my stem cells?

Once banked through our StemReady™ program, your stem cells are cryopreserved and securely stored, ready for use when you and your physician decide. While not all therapies are commercially available yet, you may qualify for programs like the FDA's compassionate use or the Federal Right-to-Try Act if you have a life-threatening or debilitating condition.

Ask our team how you may qualify.

How much does it cost to bank my stem cells?

The cost of our services at Personalized Stem Cells varies depending on the specific treatment plan and stem cell banking options you choose.

Here are the general starting points for PSC services:

  • StemPreserve: Starting at $2,500 plus an annual banking fee.
  • StemReady: Prices begin at $12,500, which includes preparation of cells for immediate use.

These are your initial costs and do not include any additional fees that your doctor may charge to perform the lipoaspiration or treatment. For a detailed breakdown and to discuss payment options, please contact our customer service team. We're committed to providing transparent and comprehensive pricing information.

How can I get started with banking my stem cells at PSC?

Getting started with stem cell banking at PSC is easy. Simply schedule a consultation through our website or contact our team directly. We’ll guide you through the entire process, from the initial collection of your cells to their long-term storage, ensuring you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. Schedule a consultation here.

What kind of research supports the effectiveness of PSC's stem cell therapies?

PSC’s cell therapies are currently being investigated through formal FDA clinical trials with leading scientists and institutions. PSC has completed its first safety and efficacy study and submitted the findings to the FDA. Until formal FDA approval is obtained, PSC cannot make specific claims about this therapy. However, our initial safety and efficacy study is available upon request and has been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

How does PSC ensure the safety and quality of stored stem cells?

PSC adheres to stringent FDA guidelines to guarantee the safety and quality of your stored stem cells. Our state-of-the-art lab utilizes advanced processing techniques to ensure that your cells are preserved at the highest standards. Every batch of stem cells is tested for sterility and purity.

Have a specific question? Explore our detailed FAQ page to find a specific answer.

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